Stainless steel chain
Stainless steel chain

It doesn't take much to deter a lazy thief, but it takes a lot to keep out one who's determined to get in, if for no other reason than to prove his point. Likewise, hasps, bars, and bolts have to be thick and impregnable. You might also have to attach the chain to something secure, such as a concrete footing. Regardless of how strong the chain is, you'd also need a cut-resistant padlock, such as a shrouded model by Master Lock or Sobo. We're talking chain that costs $10 to $22 per foot it's likely to be more valuable than what you're chaining down, a fact that might not be lost on an enterprising thief, who might just make off with the chain itself! Grades 70, 80, and 100 are among the hardest and toughest available. (Note I say difficult, not impossible there are industrial bolt cutters that have jaw sizes as large as ¾ inch and are designed to cut hardened steel.) Industrial chain is rated by grades the higher the grade number, the more steel alloying elements it contains and the more resistant it is to the variety of loads a chain encounters, especially in tension. The larger diameters of these chains, especially the 5/8-, ¾-, and 7/8-inch sizes, are extremely difficult to cut due to their girth and hardness. There are also industrial high-strength welded steel chains that are through-hardened. It's hardened throughout its thickness, and its flat face distributes the force of the bolt cutter's jaw over a wide area, thereby diffusing it.

stainless steel chain

The short answer is yes, you can get cut-resistant chain. Is there a chain that can't be cut with bolt cutters? To increase security, I was thinking of chaining a few valuables down. I've got a vacation cabin, and for the first time we've had repeated break-ins and some theft.

Stainless steel chain